A great weekend spent with Phil in the workshop making a paddle.  Phil wanted a beaver tail style paddle that he could use on some moving water.  So we looked at choosing wood, design, marking out, cutting out and carving the shape to suit his hand and style.  Nell my dog supervised the entire process apart from when there was lots of dust, then she hid below my coat on my chair.  I the end, Nell was happy, but more importantly, Phil was the proud daddy of his new creation.  He did a sterling job and left ready to treat it with his choice of finish; Tung oil.  It will be great to see another self-made wooden paddle on the water soon.  I no longer run workshops.
Cutting out the blank
Cutting out the blank
Guiding lines
Guiding lines
Nice grain
Nice grain
Other side
Other side
You missed a bit!
You missed a bit!
Rough carving the handle
Rough carving the handle
Looking with you hands
Looking with you hands
Helping hand
Helping hand
Done & proud.
Done & proud.
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