Christmas 2019 I was ask to demonstrate carving at the annual fair in the old Andrew Jackson Cottage and US Ranger Centre Museum in Carrickfergus. My role was to sit in the corner, looking like Santa Claus and carve an old style wooden toy. My Elf was there to help and show children what old style toys were like. I think I fitted the criteria and many of the kid thought I was the real deal. I was carving a dancing Santa, based on the old dancing man I have had since I was a boy and I would play in on stage with my dad and his brother and other musicians. Below are some of the photos taken in the US Ranger's Centre. I will add a video soon of me play the we fellow.

The process is under way. The legs must be loose so they do not stick when dancing. A large crowd attended to see everything on offer. Well worth making the effort this year.

All is left to do is play and tune and dance. Stay tuned and I will post a wee video soon